
Where better to make the perfect gin, then the place that produces the best Juniper berries.

du offers mobile and fixed telephony, broadband connectivity and IPTV services to people, homes and businesses all over the UAE as well as providing carrier services, a data hub, internet exchange facilities and satellite services for broadcasters.

Kaya brings together the best of both worlds – creating a luxurious, relaxing, spa like environment staffed by dermatological and medical experts to provide best in class skin solutions across the Region. Rapid growth in this category has led to an influx of “me too” brands and Kaya needed to evolve to reclaim it’s dominant position and create a strong purpose to drive growth for the future.
Mohammed Bin Rashid Center for Government Innovation

The Mohammed Bin Rashid Centre for Government Innovation (MBRCGI) was established to stimulate a culture of innovation within the government sector through the development of an integrated innovation framework. The goal is for innovation to become one of the key pillars of the UAE government in line with the vision of H.H. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid AlMaktoum, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, which aims to develop government operations and enhance the UAE’s competitiveness, making the UAE one of the most innovative governments around the world.

MUVI is the first Saudi owned and operated cinema in Kingdom. The retail giant Fawaz Al Hokair wanted to create a best in class cinema experience that was both modern and proudly Saudi reflecting the changes that are taking place in the Kingdom.