
Data plays an ever increasing role in business these days, banks and telecommunication companies, in fact any data-dependent business needs their data to be securely stored, updated and easily accessed. Data centers such as Datamena offer a safe, secure and cost effective way to house this invaluable data.
Mohammed Bin Rashid Center for Government Innovation

The Mohammed Bin Rashid Centre for Government Innovation (MBRCGI) was established to stimulate a culture of innovation within the government sector through the development of an integrated innovation framework. The goal is for innovation to become one of the key pillars of the UAE government in line with the vision of H.H. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid AlMaktoum, UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, which aims to develop government operations and enhance the UAE’s competitiveness, making the UAE one of the most innovative governments around the world.
Go Malta

Malta is an evolving and highly competitive Telco market. GO became a quad play operator through the merging of 4 distinct companies in 2006 and spent a few years trying to build a cohesive culture and identity as GO. A new brand marque was launched in 2007 but there was no significant drive to build a brand either internally or externally. More recently, a new corporate strategy was put in place to create change across the organisation and address issues of inefficiency, productivity, culture and market share.

Injazat is one of the Middle East’s largest ICT players. What really sets them apart is the size and sophistication of their facilities, coupled with the breadth and depth of their capabilities. Created 13 years ago primarily to manage IT services for UAE government entities; Injazats services have expanded dramatically as technology has transformed businesses.