Shifting CCHI From Health Insurance Regulator To A Catalyst
Of Better Healthcare.
In 2006 The Council of Cooperative Health Insurance (CCHI) was set up to create a regulated framework for Health Insurance Companies to enter the market.
At the time ‘insurance’ didn’t exist in Saudi Arabia and it was deemed ‘Haram’ (not following Islamic Beliefs). To help negate this CCHI took on an Islamic Identity and followed a very conservative approach
when it came to promoting its role.

This required massive shifts:
- Shift in Segment focus – Citizens would become its most important segment no longer Insurance companies. This meant CCHI would become a consumer facing brand.
- Shift in operations – From laws and fines to technology and data operator. This required moving towards a technology driven operations and way of working.
- Shift in Culture – From enforcer to patient centric customer service provider. This meant shifting from an authoritarian culture to one that was open, approachable and helpful.

Bellwether was tasked with developing a brand strategy and brand identity to allow CCHI to transform into a consumer facing, tech driven, healthcare enabler.


Transform Awards 2022
- Gold > Best brand evolution
- Bronze > Public services